"A harrowing tale of generational revenge told with a gorgeous style reminiscent of classic screen print illustration." — Carson Grubaugh, The Abolition of Man, The Strange Death of Alex Raymond
"... a punch in the stomach..." — Steph Leuvener
"... everything one could want in an old Icelandic story. Violence, cruelty, shamanism, women, love and envie..." — Nadine Vansant
After seven years of exile, battle-hardened Hallstein Thordsson returns home to Iceland, only to find that old wounds haven't healed. His stepmother Solveig and his half-brother Ottar are besieged by wood thieves, directed by her unwelcome suitor, Einar. The Exile's presence disrupts the delicate balance and threatens to tip all of Iceland into violence.
A remarkable decades-spanning epic, Erik Kriek's The Exile is equal parts action “Western” and family drama, with a surprising story of violence and consequences at its core. Told in a naturalistic modern style but with tremendous fidelity to the historical period in which it is set, The Exile depicts the Viking age in all of its conflict, turmoil, and social structure, with every detail depicted vividly on the page.
192 pages. PDF and CBZ files only!